
PosInfoMoq1002: Verify() methods should be called when Verifiable() has been setup

Property Value
Rule ID PosInfoMoq1002
Title Verify() methods should be called when Verifiable() has been setup
Category Design
Default severity Warning


A Verify() of an Mock<T> instance has not been called in the Assert phase of an unit test for Verifiable() setups.

Rule description

In the Arrange phase of an unit test, when Verifiable() method has been setup to mocked member, the Verify() method should be called in the Assert phase to check the setup member has been called.

public void SendMail_ShouldCallSmtpService()
	// Arrange
	var smtpService = new Mock<ISmtpService>();
	smtpService.Setup(s => s.SendMail("sender@domain.com", "Gilles"))

	var service = new CustomerService(smtpService.Object);

	// Act

	// Assert
	smtpService.Verify();	// The Verify() will check that the mocked ISmtpService.SendMail() has been called (because marked with the ".Verifiable()" method).

How to fix violations

To fix a violation of this rule, call the Verify() in the Assert phase on the Mock<T> instances, if some mocked members has been marked as Verifiable() in the Arrange phase.

When to suppress warnings

Do not suppress a warning from this rule. Normally Verifiable() setup members must be call in the unit tests execution.