
PosInfoMoq2005: The Callback() delegate expression must match the signature of the mocked method

Property Value
Rule ID PosInfoMoq2005
Title Constructor arguments must match the constructors of the mocked class.
Category Compilation
Default severity Error


Constructor arguments must match the constructors of the mocked class.

Rule description

When configurate mock, all the arguments must match one of the constructor of the mocked type.

public void Test()
    var service1 = new Mock<Service>(1, 2, 3);                              // The arguments does not match one of the Service type constructors.
    var service2 = new Mock<Service>("Argument 1", 2);                      // OK
    var service3 = new Mock<Service>(MockBehavior.Strict, "Argument 1", 2); // OK

public abstract class Service
    public Service(string a)

    public Service(string a, int b)

How to fix violations

To fix a violation of this rule, be sure to pass right arguments of one of the constructor of the mocked instance.

When to suppress warnings

Do not suppress an error from this rule. If bypassed, the execution of the unit test will be failed with a MoqException thrown with the “Constructor arguments must match the constructors of the mocked class.” message.